The Humidity Indicator Cards listed on this page are reversible color change indicators. As the humidity increases the chemically impregnated spots change from a blue color (DRY) through a lavender, to a pink color (HUMID). As the humidity level decreases the spots change from a pink color (HUMID) through a lavender, to a blue color (DRY). Each of these cards are accurate to plus or minus 5 percent relative humidity at 75 degrees Farenheit. Standard Humidity Card measures humidity from 10-100%. The standard humidity card measures in size 1-1/2" x 4-1/4". Mini Humidity Card is similar to the Standard Humidity Card only smaller in size. It measures humidity from 10 to 80%. The card measures 7/8" x 2-5/8". Maximum Humidity Card measures both the current humidity from 10 to 100% and the maximum humidity exposure to the card. The maximum humidity portion of the card is based on a 24 hour exposure and is non-reversible. This humidity card measures 4-1/2" x 4-1/2". All of the above cards are best read at 75°F. If the temperature is above or below 75°F you must use a temperature correction factor of 2-1/2% RH for each 10°F from 75°F. In other words, at 55°F there will be a 5% RH error in the indication spot that will appear to be pinker than it should be. At 95°F there will be a 5% RH error in the indication spot that will appear to be bluer than it should be. The accuracy of these cards at 75°F is