
Traditional Mastic Restoration Colors

Maimeri Traditional Mastic Restoration Colors are composed of only three ingredients: pigments, mastic resin and selected hydrocarbon solvents. The binder is prepared by melting the resin slowly in selected hydrocarbon solvents. The quantity of binder in which the pigments are dispersed is the minimum sufficient to ensure a good cohesion of the product and a good adherence of the color to the ground. Only the finest quality pigments are used and are strictly controlled before manufacturing in order to guarantee absolute conformity to the characteristics required. Maimeri Restoration Colors are comprised of both synthetic and natural inorganic pigments.

Maimeri Restoration Colors dry to a moderately matte surface and since they are free of all oils no color change will occur once dried. Maimeri's remain permanently reversible allowing inpainting removal with normal solvents. Maimeri Restoration Colors are packed in 20 ml tubes.

Note: When you purchase a complete set of Maimeri Restoration Colors you are saving 10% off the cost of buying the 33 colors separately.


Catalog No.DescriptionPriceQuantity
CO-10018MTC, 702/018 Titanium White$15.73
CO-10020MTC, 703/020 Zinc White$15.73
CO-10081MTC, 711/081 Cad. Yellow Light$24.11
CO-10082MTC, 710/082 Cad. Yellow Lemon$24.11
CO-10083MTC, 712/083 Cad. Yellow Med$24.11
CO-10084MTC, 713/084 Cad. Yellow Deep$24.11
CO-10104MTC, 714/104 Naples Yellow$20.52
CO-10131MTC, 719/131 Yellow Ochre$15.73
CO-10133MTC, 720/133 Yellow Ochre Pale$15.73
CO-10134MTC, 718/134 Golden Ochre$15.73
CO-10161MTC, 729/161 Raw Sienna$15.73
CO-10167MTC, 707/167 Alizarin Carmine$20.52
CO-10178MTC, 715/178 Madder Lake Deep$20.52
CO-10224MTC, 722/224 Cad. Red Orange$30.10
CO-10228MTC, 723/228 Cad. Red Medium$30.10
CO-10242MTC, 725/242 Indian Red$15.73
CO-10276MTC, 724/276 Pozzouli Earth$15.73
CO-10278MTC, 730/278 Burnt Sienna$15.73
CO-10290MTC, 716/290 Green Lake Solid$20.52
CO-10296MTC, 731/296 Terre Verte$15.73
CO-10297MTC, 732/297 Terre Verte Antique$15.73
CO-10336MTC, 733/336 Chrome Green$20.52
CO-10348MTC, 734/348 Viridian$20.52
CO-10372MTC, 701/372 Cobalt Blue$30.10
CO-10390MTC, 721/390 Ultramarine$20.52
CO-10416MTC, 708/416 Cerulean$30.10
CO-10474MTC, 704/474 Brown Madder (Aliz)$20.52
CO-10482MTC, 705/482 Transparent Brown$15.73
CO-10484MTC, 706/484 Vandyke Brown$15.73
CO-10490MTC, 726/490 Kassel Earth$15.73
CO-10492MTC, 728/492 Burnt Umber$15.73
CO-10493MTC, 727/493 Raw Umber$15.73
CO-10535MTC, 717/535 Ivory Black$15.73
CO-10633MTC, Set of 33 Colors$583.60

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